The Adventures of Don Juan

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The world is a stage

6.15am, 2.4 km * 1, 1.6 km * 2, Centennial Park

The rain had stopped when I took off to Centennial Park so I was happier not having to start running in the rain and the dark, both of which I'm scared of. We're about a fortnight from the shortest day of the year, which is good.

Back and glutes were stiff this morning on the warm up drills, and I had to work hard to hang in there on the track. It was a bit of a grind. I was not far behind Jenny on the shorter reps and just behind Ewan on the first rep. Shakespearian Steve in black tights got toey on the second rep and took off ahead of Jenny and I going for gold, but he only lasted 400 m before getting stage-fright and faded fast. Steve might have been play-acting. It looked like Lazhar Hamadi joined us on the second repetition and he's a serious thespian.

I think I'll get used to these long repetitions eventually.


At 4:32 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Perhaps you could get Steve to utter these lines by young Willie:

"The purest treasure mortal times afford, is spotless reputation; that away, men are but gilded loam or painted clay...."

At 7:44 pm, Blogger Katie said...

Just come and join us in the chorus... we will look after you ;-)

What luck!!! Rain for the rest of the week... who needs hot water :-)

At 11:22 pm, Blogger Superflake said...

Whose Shakespeare? William Shakespeare was a singer in the 70's disco era. Must be who you are referring to! That is a long rep a 2.4k. Serious hard work on that one.

At 11:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems like everybody's doing reps except me......I must be missing out on something.


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