The Adventures of Don Juan

Friday, August 18, 2006

Blistering Speed

8.00am, 30 minutes easy, Wooloomooloo - Botanical Gardens

Yesterday's battling training run spread the big blister on the ball of my left foot down toward the arch of the foot. I've had a few friction hot-spots on the soles of my feet while racing this year, so about time I got some decent shoes for racing. I went out and bought some asics DS racers. I' ve got the shoes and the blisters, now I only need some speed.

Legs were a bit heavy this morning on the run but better, and the blister has gone down. I could feel the thinner sole of the racers but it was comfortable enough. It will take me a couple of days for the legs to fully recover from C2S to get a proper feel for running in the lighter racers.

I don't know how I'm going to run a half marathon in September at the moment; 4 km family fun run here we come.

Continuing to listen to the Flaming Lips; 'a serious head trip' to quote Rolling Stone. Saves me having to buy drugs at Kings Cross.


At 1:18 pm, Blogger Lulu said...

I thought you would have been doing the full not the half. You can always join WTR and I on the bridge run.

At 10:08 pm, Blogger Superflake said...

I've heard blisters on the lips are really sore. Lucky you bought those DS Racers I have heard they move pretty quick up Heartbreak hill.

At 9:34 am, Blogger Tesso said...

When I saw the title of your blog entry I thought you were refering to the way the mighty Broncos ran all over the puppy dogs last night.


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