The Adventures of Don Juan

Monday, July 03, 2006

Ambassador Don Juan does Wellington

7.30 am, 1 hour 30 minutes, Wellington - Houghton Bay - Mt Albert - Mt Victoria

Air New Zealand did me a favour yesterday by cancelling my flight to Wellington, and re-directing me via Auckland, which meant I didn't run and rested the foot.

Got out just after sunrise for a great run around the hills of Wellington. Amazing what a change of scenery does for my running. Ran around in a t-shirt, striders singlet and asics noosa tri flouro runners playing the loud tourist. I was loaded up with running maps and took a wrong turn early but quickly worked out where I was on the way to the bay. After 30 minutes got to the beach.

I then followed the 'south - walk' track back to town via the above mountains, they were big hills actually, but when in Rome... or Wellington, I call them massuve soaring peaks. Culturally sensitive guy that I am. As part of the route I ran around the zoo, and deftly evaded the zoo-keepers. Had I been caught, I was carrying my passport which could've been used for easy indentificaton.

From the peaks and ridges, there were impressive views across to the South Island and over a very short airport runway I landed on last night. The locals I bumped into were pretty friendly and most said hello. I generally replied 'gudday mate' which I never say in Australia: I'm such an ambassador. I didn't see a single other runner. I did see a sign 'Lord of the Rings filming location', but ran on.

I had to check the maps a few times but didn't lose steam and finished in glorious sunshine dropping down from Mt Victoria into the city. Barely any traffic out there. A good place for six foot track training.


At 3:30 pm, Blogger Martin said...

Your large hariy feet will come in handy down there Don!

At 10:06 pm, Blogger Superflake said...

I thought you were in Hobart running up Mt Wellington. How can you go to Wundy Wullington and not mention any wund?


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