The Adventures of Don Juan

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Good night and Good luck

Thanks for your recent comments.

In answer to several enquiries, I am booked in for surgery on the left foot next Monday to remove a large ganglion. Running produces discomfort in the foot and I've lasted longer than I thought. But there's also miminal benefit and pain, and I've virtually stopped running now.

It has been a drama going for a swim with all the additional preparations and travelling, and my pectorals and biceps are almost Ian Thorpe size. Water running is as appealing as listening to the Prime Minister.

I won't blog again for a while. I'm looking forward to surgery, although I have to go under a general anaesthetic for the first time in 30 years. Advances in medicine of course make this a safer procedure than it ever was, nevertheless I'm not feeling quite as indestructible as I was as a young kid doing little athletics.

I hope to be running again by Christmas.