The Adventures of Don Juan

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sex v Clothes

Finally, I hope to be running again next week. Trust me.
In the meantime, I'm off shopping.

Sex vs clothes: women come out of the closet.

NEW YORK, Feb 5 (Reuters Life!) - For most women, the choice between sex and a new wardrobe is simple -- they go for the clothes.

Women on average say they would be willing to give up sex for 15 months for a closet full of new apparel, with 2 percent ready to abstain from sex for three years in exchange for new duds, according to a new survey of about 1,000 women in 10 U.S. cities.

Sixty-one percent of women polled said it would be worse to lose their favorite article of clothing than give up sex for a month.

"Some people say clothes make the man, but the right clothes can even replace him," fashion designer, stylist and TV personality Carson Kressley from the reality TV show "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" said in a statement accompanying the poll.

The study also suggested that clothes often wear better than relationships.

The average woman between 18 and 54 years of age has hung on to her favorite article of clothing for 12 and a half years, a year longer than she's held on to her longest relationship.

Almost three-quarters of respondents, or 70 percent, also said they believed in love at first sight when it came to finding the perfect article of clothing, while only 54 percent of women were as confident in spotting the right man.

Nearly half of the women, or 48 percent, taking part in the survey by consumer products giant Unilever said their favorite article of clothing was more reliable than their man in giving them confidence and making them feel sexy.


At 8:15 am, Blogger Superflake said...

It would be ood to finally see some running on this blog.I thought it was Christmas. You should be back in time to be passed by Blue Dogs mum up heartbreak hill.

At 10:42 am, Blogger Jen said...

Sex is the only thing we seem to talk about!

The women surveyed are kidding themselves. Or having ordinary sex. They need to get out more ;-)

At 12:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carrying on from jen_runs, maybe it's one of those stories, "only in America".

At 1:04 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Of course I trust you - you're a lawyer ;-)

Your big bottom is being maligned in the virgins thread on CR though....

At 5:00 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Hmmm, wonder what the stats would be if it was Sex v Running. Maybe you could start a poll on CR ;-)

At 9:49 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

You didn't do the Lane Cove 10k?

I must get rid of my old clothes - not getting anywhere with those 1981 running shorts.

At 11:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where do I start..
DJ you need to start running or at least find a better past time ( i can name one that pops to mind)
Superflake...ouch! (but it is gold:)
Jen_runs ...euw
Steve...nope, cant find a fault
2p... always a fan, but who is maligning his big butt, cant have that, it is my fav big butt of all time...
Tesso...think i know how that voters poll would guys are MAD:) us a pic of the shorts and we can all vote on that one....
AND DJ, you should have polled me, I would have told you the real answers (wink wink, nudge nudge)

At 11:34 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Thankfully we live in an enlightened society where a woman can have her clothes and sex too.

At 5:57 pm, Blogger blues buffett said...

I'd suggest buying some sexy running clothes post-haste...

At 9:00 am, Blogger Unknown said...

yeah, yeah enough about the clothes already. About time you updated Mr DJ.


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