The Adventures of Don Juan

Monday, October 30, 2006

I can see clearly now

7.30 am, 40 minutes, Moore Park

Another good run this morning against the odds. The legs were shaky but the dodgy foot was good. I think there's a message here. I'm just meant to run slowly. I can't believe it is taken me several running injuries and so many years to work out the obvious and inevitable.

Close to home I had this monster-sized dog bound up to me in Rushcutters Bay Park, turn its head and sniff my arm-pit. The dog galloped away again unimpressed. I felt like uncovered-meat.


At 9:15 pm, Blogger Ellie80 said...

glad to hear the runs are feeling good again! I have however always known that the best runs are slow ones...

At 11:00 am, Blogger 2P said...

Hallelujah brother you seed da light - the dog sniffing your armpit was a sure sign - it was your guardian angel checking you were not sweating too much from over exertion.

Either that or that new eau de dogette deodorant you are using really does work.

At 3:34 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

Don't you mean 'uncovered-beef'?

At 4:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I saw that dog in Rushcutters Bay the other night, on my own similarly paced run. I was tempted to hitch a ride.

At 10:12 pm, Blogger PortRunr said...

Good to see you again last week. An armpit high dog? That certainly sounds like a monster!

At 10:58 pm, Blogger blues buffett said...

Nice comment on my blog, DJ. I like the strawberries bit. Who else like Raspberries other than EC?
I think GYBR is Elton's best. I bought it when it was released in 1973. I remember, because it was the first double album I purchased. I was only three. One of the last four sentences is false.
Good to see the recovery is progressing well...

At 4:10 pm, Blogger R2B said...

In future Habib wear your galabiya on all outings to preserve your modesty.

At 4:52 pm, Blogger Lulu said...

Hey, have you gone into retirement or hospital. Have sent you an email about dinner. No un-covered meat involved

At 4:28 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

It could be mad cow disease, but I suspect it's The Running of the Bulls.

At 6:21 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

drums fingers impatiently....DJ you're getting slack...time to update the blog! :-)

At 7:11 pm, Blogger blues buffett said...


I like Malcolm Mackerras' Pendulum. Always good for a laugh, especially given his early calls. Like Kerry beating Bush. Or here in Oz, early-calling Lib victory in 1993.

Have you stopped running, or just writing about it?

At 10:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its cause you've missed me i is ok to admit it:)
I do hope you havent been to emotionally scared by the BSD (big scary dog):) I can always give you some counselling for the PTSD!
The running shorts are on the way....XXXlarge in the front like you ordered!!!!!!

At 8:03 am, Blogger R2B said...

Where are you DJ?
Have you gone into pre surgery hibernation?



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