The Adventures of Don Juan

Friday, December 09, 2005

Floating and feeling naked

6.30am 1 hour with 30 minutes tempo, Centennial Park

Switched Saturday's session to this morning. Twenty minute warm up and took off at McKay Oval for a 30 minute tempo around Centennial Park. Went off at a slightly conservative pace and just kept leg speed up, low knee lift and not driving off with any great power. I felt like I was just floating along. Glutes and hamstrings were a bit tired. It was a good work out and completed a lap of the park. Jogged home. No nudity yet.

Theives broke into my office overnight. That's when I felt a bit naked and defiled this morning. I work in the city with 30 solicitors, accountants, financial planners and a few others in a chambers style of practice with shared reception, and meeting rooms. Thieves came in overnight and rifled through every office, cabinet, drawer and stole lap-tops, money and valuables. It is a bit of a shock the first time it happens. Previously at home I've had thieves break-in 3 times and steal things (In Melbourne) so I was calm when the receptionist said, as I came out of the lift, "we've been robbed". I've just finished spring cleaning so I had the tidiest office to steal from. I had nothing stolen though. The thieves were methodical but only looking for small and valuable items. They forced their way into the building through the fire doors.

Sometimes it's good being poor and spending all your money on running.


At 10:02 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

That's not good news, Don Juan! At least your space was safe though. Just as well you didn't leave CR gear & runners behind you; good that you enjoyed the run in Centennial Park before hearing that news.

At 12:07 pm, Blogger Lulu said...

Glad you didn't have anything stolen. I had my office door kicked in last year and my laptop stolen. It's not a paticularly nice feeling!

At 10:11 am, Blogger Jen said...

Sorry to hear about the break-in but I'm really glad to hear that you don't leave your CR hat in the office. That would have been the first thing they would have pinched :-)


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