The Adventures of Don Juan

Friday, February 03, 2006

Olfactory sensation

7.00am, 30 minutes easy, Botanical gardens, Opera House, Mrs Macquarie's chair

A good day for a run: cool and light drizzle.

Legs felt sluggish and the joints weren't flash, but this morning I was doing a very easy cruise run after a couple of solid days. I ran past the naval base at Garden Island - potts point and noticed lots of men in white uniforms going to work. Not my first choice of outfit, but I'm a pretty fashionable guy in my target coolmax socks.

I felt tired going up the small hill from Woolloomoolloo (which I'll learn to spell soon), and ran past a boot camp group of unfit looking people in khaki near the open air cinema. I took a new root through the botanical gardens and the clear highlight of the morning, apart from the men in uniform, was the strong smell of flowers in the botanical gardens - I'm sounding very sensitive and new age this morning, if not camp - I haven't eaten lentils and garlic for a few days and I can smell something else. One of aspects of running I like are the sights and sounds outside.

Battled home and it was a pretty average run. Did I mention that is one of my favourite websites?


At 11:04 am, Blogger Lulu said...

You are sounding very sensitive today... glad you didn't find a new root amongst the boys in white. I've always found sailors attractive myself. One of my first boyfriends was an office in the RN and of course Daddy was in the RN too.

At 11:04 am, Blogger Lulu said...

oops.. that should say officer not office!

At 12:52 pm, Blogger Katie said...

Flowers, men in uniform...and you in just your socks- sounds like a great run!

Good luck tommorow... I look for you flashing by!

At 1:47 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Gee DJ - next you will waxing lyrical about sunsets and reading antique furniture magazines.

I loathe the boot camp squads - not that i have anything against people trying to get fit - it's the cheesy instructors I can't handle and the way they prey on fatty's.

Wrked at GI for over 5 years - ran (no pun intended) around there a fair bit in my mispent youth.

Gosh what a long comment - glad you could smell the roses and spell olfactory.


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