6.30 am, 1 hour easy, Moore Park
Nice cool morning. The sun didn't come out, but almost every trivial niggle I could have had did come out this morning. I must have worked harder than I thought yesterday.
I could also feel the hamstrings were a bit tired. This was a good sign that the glutes and quads must have been strong enough to make the hamstrings work a bit harder.
The run itself was enjoyable being largely on grass, and a bit lacklustre. Although I kept up a pretty reasonable pace most of the time. I definitely think that running on longer or thicker grass takes more out of the legs.
I was a bit cheeky running on the 12th and 13th fairways at Moore Park in addition to the usual perimeter holes,...... and loving it. I'll get warned off another golf course if I continue to be this brazen.
If you don't go close to 4:30, then you've taken it easy mate. See you next weekend pal. MPH
2P's theory on running number 37:
"the niggles that appear to only come out during a taper are largely a myth - the fact is they were always there just disguised amongst the general level of pain the athlete constantly endures...."
I'm agreeing with Mr Haz ;-)
Oooh theres a challenge.... is that a sniff of a goal time?? YOu have been quiet in that respect... typically ;-)
You will have to don some green face paint to blend in to the course!
It a wondeer you didn't hear gill and I yapping this morning :-)
Mr lulu said he heard Kit and Gill; they were chasing him around the park apparently!
4.30 eh! We'll see won't we :)
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