The Adventures of Don Juan

Friday, April 28, 2006

Bizarre XXX blogging

7.00am, 30 minutes easy, Mrs Macquarie's chair - Opera House - Botanical Gardens

The legs felt heavy this morning, but no aching or creaky joints. I was thinking the heaviness was due to the heavier asics 1100s but decided to blame the 3 day mid-week program exertion, blame anything but me.

The run was pretty much a battle not to slow down to a crawl.

There were quite a few people out on the SMH 1/2 course this morning, all doing their secret training for the race. I was glad I wasn't racing this morning.

The next few weeks have me doing locum work in the mornings so blogging these pearls of wisdom will be delayed. Instead of browsing on the solicitor's existing Internet Explorer and leaving a trail of history and cache entries on IE, I've downloaded Mozilla Firefox onto the absent solicitor's computer, and created bookmarks including coolrunning. This is also easier to uninstall and destroy more of the incriminating evidence that I've been farting around on the net reading news and running trivia.

Somehow I've drawn the line at spending time writing blogs on someone else's time. Bizarre I know. As for running, it is a consolidation period of searching for lost speed so there won't be much drama to report in any event.
Now, back to the XXX web sites.


At 10:28 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Now I feel guilty for reading this at work.

At 9:14 am, Blogger Katie said...

I am creating my own language :-)... and NO I have never mispelt Woo Hoo! Who could????


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