The Adventures of Don Juan

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

No, not The Lake

6.15 am, 4 * 1400, Centennial Park

Completion of some construction works in Centennial Park has meant the re-opening of the dirt track around the lake to runners again after at least 9 months. I've been warned this is an old favourite training course of Sean's. Sean has been in Japan for the world cross-country races and returns tomorrow.

So Cindy took charge of training and said take it out easy since we'll be getting used to the Lake. There was a good group out at training including a group of loafers taking it very easy, and using as an excuse some cushy road race on beautifully paved streets in Canberra this weekend. Sounds really soft.

The pace on the first lap felt like it was sizzling. The first lap felt faster than the track sessions although doing one large circuit only seems longer. Nevertheless, it is a lot more interesting doing the lake than reps of an oval. It will take a few more laps of the lake to get used to the corrugations and small variations in the course.

On one lap Royworlds yelled out when he ran into some Centennial Park ducks which are probably a bit too accustomed to people. I imagine he'd also deny being scared of mice too.
On another lap I could hear those loafers yapping away while the rest of us were busting a lung.

Times were 5.21, 5.11. 5.15 and 5.05.


At 8:55 am, Blogger 2P said...

Bet those Centennial Park ducks are'nt as scary as Concord water rats - I saw 2 of them throw a cat into the bay on Sunday.

At 12:30 pm, Blogger Katie said...

Ahhh the old lake! I really like the lake... much more interesting than 4 laps of Mckay oval!

Killer ducks???? You mean the cute fluffy ones ;-)

I could get used to the cruising around chatting away :-)

At 10:29 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Poor little duckies were probably just trying to get their morning eggs-ercise.

At 9:40 am, Blogger Lulu said...

That's a new one. I'll try and avoid returing to SWEAT when that's on the programme!

Hope you gave those slackers a good talking to.


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