The Adventures of Don Juan

Friday, December 16, 2005

The long march

6.00am 2 hours 20 minutes Centennial Park

A long slow run. I did not get beyond a shuffle. I couldn't have gone faster if I wanted. The glutes were very tired and they knew today I had done the dirty on them: swapped an easy short day for a weekly long run.
I caught Lulu doing one of her secret training runs at Centennial Park. We had a brief chat which allowed the glutes to loosen up a bit.

I ran reasonably well given how I haven't had an easy day since Monday, and I've done well just to suffer general tiredness. First time I've felt much better in the second hour than the first hour of a run. I know I'm running long when I start to break up the runs into hour segments.

As the mileage goes up, I'll be interested to see if I feel any stronger generally. Sometimes I think this marathon training is madness, and I just want to become a suburban fun runner doing 10km maximum.


At 5:21 pm, Blogger 2P said...

When you go to bed exhausted and wake up tired your on the way DJ.

You gotta get up earlier than that to fool those canny glutes ;-)

At 8:45 pm, Blogger Jen said...

My glutes don't like me either - but you can't complain too much; you know you love it ;-)

At 11:51 am, Blogger Lulu said...

You didn't look like you were shuffling to me DJ. If you were I must have been crawling!

You'd hate being a suburban 10ker, you'd have to move to the suburbs for a start!

At 9:11 pm, Blogger Steve's Stuff said...

6 am start for a 2:20 run, in anybody's language thats good going.

I'm curious did you eat breaky before you headed out?


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