The Adventures of Don Juan

Monday, May 15, 2006


7.00pm, 40 minutes, Centennial Park

Just as I was going out the door this morning, I heard the rain suddenly thunder down. Since it was a short session, I had time for a coffee to reflect on how little it has rained at this hour of the day recently, and how my hair might look wet.

It was a good and soggy run. Sean has massaged the running program so that I am tapered and well rested for the half marathon this Sunday. So only 5 more days to find another excuse for a howler.


At 10:18 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Ron Weasley or Neville Longbottom are normally the recipients of howlers - but if the knitted jumper fits.....

Sounds like you are taking the trot around Mrs Macs underwear seriously - look forward to the result!

At 9:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After you have run a huge pb on Sunday, don't forget that Striders generally put on a great breakfast at a member's house in the Rocks (you can also leave your bag there). I am pretty sure they will be hosting it again. And then on to the Palisades!

At 10:33 am, Blogger Tesso said...

Wendall's having a few bad hair days as well, and he doesn't even have any.

At 6:01 pm, Blogger Superflake said...

Come on fire up. Get some coffee into you. I'm still predicting a sub 4min half with a problem.


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