300 metre Jihad
6.30am, 10 * 300m, Centennial Park
Today was a spiritual struggle to maintain the work rate against the lazy infidels and the overwhelming tendency to taper.
I picked up the pace of the warm up run jogging to Centennial Park and then I discovered a brand new niggle in the side of the right achilles. The right ankle wasn't liking hills or twists and turns: should be no problem for a straight flat course like six foot track. The niggle was probably a hangover from yesterday's slight twist of the ankle, and obligingly disappeared after another 5 minutes.
A good crowd at Sean's this morning. The early reps were a bit slack.
Times were 1.06, 1.03, 1.03, 1.01, 59, 57, 57, 56, 55, 53, and 51.
That's 11 rep times for those that counted. I can't exactly remember the middle 4 times, only the first 4 and last 2, so any report with 10 reps should be discounted, and don't expect me to remember your mobile phone number, birthday or number of sugars in your coffee.
Tomorrow's run on the program is 1 hour easy, woohoo. Gotta love this taper business. I'll be typing this blog from bed soon, endless taper.